Television / Web

Micky Love

Micky Love was part of a series of three films made for Granada TV under the umbrella title Rik Mayall Presents.

Rik plays the title role of Micky Love, a TV game show host, and I played his nemesis Greg Deane, the presenter of a youth TV show that was claiming Micky's prized time slot. It also starred Jennifer Ehle (who later worked with me in Design For Living) and Eleanor Bron (who later played my mother in Hamlet). It was shot in Manchester at Granada TV studios, and directed by Nick Hamm.

A Word in Your Era

A Word In Your Era was a panel game (or historical comedy series according the press blurb!) in which Rory McGrath invited some of Britain's top comic talents to step back in time. Three guests are given the chance to become their favourite character from the history books. I seem to remember that if you won, your historical character was guaranteed their place in immortality.

I did two episodes and in this first one I played Mozart, Hugh Dennis was Noah and Nick Revell was Attila the Hun. And I won!

In the second episode, Patrick Barlow impersonated Christopher Columbus, Tony Slattery was Lassie and I was Lord Baden Powell. I think Tony won!