A letter to Europe on the day Britain leaves the EU.

One of the best things about the EU, for me, is the way we have all been able to maintain our own identities at the same time as coming together as one for the good of us all.

Of course, many Scottish people know what it is to want to leave a union of countries: many of us wish Scotland could leave the UK and become independent.  

But the difference between Scotland leaving the UK, and the UK leaving the EU is that the vast majority of us in Scotland do not feel ignored, disrespected, patronised or misunderstood by the EU. 

In 2014 many Scots voted NO in the independence referendum because they were told that was the only way Scotland could remain in the EU, and to be able to benefit from its exchanges of commerce, culture and technology, and its shared values. 

I am sad today that we must lose those shared values, against our will, because of a government in Westminster that cannot see the irony of refusing us our own chance of self-determination just as it demands its own self-determination from the EU.

We're no awa tae bide awa.